Category Archives: Decor

What Makes a Good Halloween Decoration?

Halloween Collage

(Halloween Lights – Dim Orange LEDs, Skeleton Decor – Set of 28 Bones, Pumpkin – Realistic Jack O Lantern, Spider Webs – Cotton Webbing and Spiders, Tattered Cloth – 4yd x 30” Creepy Cloth)

It’s finally October. The month when everything is suddenly pumpkin flavored and orange is the new black (not the TV show). The month when giant orange squash probably becomes the most sold vegetable, but no one actually ever eats it, and when it becomes socially acceptable to go to a stranger’s house dressed up like who-knows-what and beg for candy. And of course we get to see how creative (and possibly crazy) our neighbors can be when trying to decorate their houses for Halloween. But whether your neighborhood ends up looking like something out of a cartoonish Tim Burton movie, or a horrifying Rob Zombie film, the point is that there’s no escaping the Halloween spirit. So why not get into the spirit yourself and start decorating for Halloween this year? And if you need a little inspiration for getting started check out the Halloween decor below.

The important thing to remember when decorating for Halloween, is that your imagination is your best friend and playing around with the decorations is always half the fun.

1. The Jack O Lantern. Is there even a more recognizable halloween decoration? Jack O Lanterns seem to be one of the most popular Halloween decorations and are often featured in some form in many Halloween themed movies. Even the poster for the original Halloween (1978) film featured a creepy Jack O Lantern holding a knife. Their popularity is only furthered by the tradition of pumpkin carving. This “do-it-yourself” Jack O Lantern making method has become a popular activity for families to make creepy or funny halloween decorations and is a real boost for pumpkin farmers. However, pumpkin carving isn’t exactly a clean and simple activity, so some people have taken to buying ceramic Jack O Lanterns and placing candles inside them in order to avoid the mess and smell of cleaning up the pumpkin guts.

2. Dim Orange LED Lights. The darkness can be very spooky, but it doesn’t really help if people can’t even see your halloween decorations. Conversely, too much lighting kind of takes the fear factor out of creepy Halloween decorations. So finding a middle ground is important when trying to light up your decorations. Having dim orange colored lights can really set the mood for your decorations and can really dictate the atmosphere of any Halloween themed parties.

3. Skeleton decorations. This one may seem a little macabre, but if you’re looking to go down a more realistic or spooky path with your decorations, having some fake human remains can really set the mood. Unlike a pre-built skeleton, these bone sets can be configured in any way you see fit making it much more convenient if you don’t have too much space for an entire skeleton to be hanging around. Just don’t get too carried away and start talking to the skull, that’s just creepy.

4. Spider Webs and spiders. Spider webs are good space filler decorations and can turn really anything into a part of a halloween decoration. Got a random lamp in the middle of your otherwise decked out halloween decor? Throw on some cotton spider webs and turn it into part of the scenery. Does your patio or balcony look bland? Throw some spider webs on it and make it seem more festive. No halloween decoration is complete without spider webs, and lets be hones, in reality spiders and spider webs are probably one of the scariest things you can encounter.

5. Tattered cloth. These can be used in a similar fashion to spider webs. However, instead of taking advantage of our arachnophobia, they create a drab and creepy atmosphere in order to make your place look like a worn down, creepy, old house. They’re meant to add an air of spookiness to places that would otherwise seem inviting. Throw some tattered cloth over a doorway and you’ve instantly made it a hundred times spookier. Place some tattered cloth over a wall or some family pictures and you’ve got a Adam’s-family-type house.

So tap into your inner Edgar Allen Poe, let your imagination run wild and start planning your Halloween decor.

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Filed under Decor, Holidays

What sort of Entertainment and Amenities do you have?

Room Appliances


( Television – Samsung 32-in LED, Lights – 10 meter white LED Christmas Lights, SpeakersVIZIO HD Soundbar, Fridge – Danby 1.8 cubic feet Mini-Fridge)

Last week I talked about some suggestions for decorating an empty apartment or dorm room to spice it up and make it more comfortable. While paintings, posters, banners, and other aesthetic pieces are great and make your space more homelike, they are really just for decoration. You can’t really do much with a portrait other than admire it, and if your room is full of only posters and pictures, you’d better be really good at consistently appreciating decorations, otherwise you will run into boredom really quickly. So this week I’ve come up with a short list of more practical devices that, in my opinion, are somewhat mandatory for a dorm or apartment.

1. A relatively inexpensive yet good quality TV like the samsung 32-inch is a perfect choice for an apartment or dorm because it is small enough to fit in even cramped or cluttered living spaces but doesn’t suffer from lack of quality. Having a TV has become so commonplace that it is considered a basic amenity and for good reason; it is a device that offers an easy escape from boredom or stress and for many people, especially college students, there is a never ending need for an escape from boredom or stress.

2. A good quality speaker system like the Vizio sound-bar is a great addition to any dorm or apartment. First of all, you can hook it up to your TV for that “movie-theater style” audio experience. Secondly, having a good speaker system lets you play your favorite music no matter the setting. Whether you want to solo-jam to some tunes or bump music at a house party, a good sound system will always come in handy.

3. A mini-fridge is a perfect little utility to keep around especially if you have roommates. Why? Well having a fridge that everyone shares means that your food is fair game for anyone. Having a mini-fridge in your room ensures that you can keep a close eye on your munchies. It also means that you can be really lazy and keep food literally within arms reach so you don’t have to spend the extra 10 seconds it takes to walk to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.

4. Christmas Lights. Yes you read that correctly. The great thing about Christmas lights is that you definitely do not only use them for Christmas time. Christmas lights are a perfect decoration for any place in the apartment because they add a vibrant glow throughout the entire place. They are also a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to the bland office-like glow of fluorescent lamps and light bulbs.

So, what sort of entertainment and amenities are essential for your place?


Filed under Decor, Electronics

Do you have Dorm Decor?

Decorations n Stuff


(Poster – Godfather, Poster – Archer, Painting – Triptych [Three Panel Painting], Banner – NorCal, Fountain – Sculpture, Indoor plants – Juniper Bonsai Tree)

The nice thing about dormitories and apartments is that many come pre furnished and include basic amenities. However, the first thing that you probably notice when walking into your new dorm or apartment is how empty it looks. Sure there may be a few couches, a dining table, chairs and a bed, but for the most part that’s basically it. Even the walls are tend to be blank. Simply put, a new apartment looks cozy, but seems lifeless. In order to make an apartment or dorm your home, you have to give it your own personal touch. So I’ve decided to come up with a list of just a few things that I do to turn a house into a home:

1. Throw up some banners on the walls. A themed banner or flag from your state (or country) is an especially good idea if you are living out of your native state (or country) – don’t be afraid to be proud of where you come from! A large banner can also be hung on a blank wall to add some life to the monotone colored interior. If you’ve got an upper floor window, you could also let the banner fly loose to let the world know what you’re all about.

2. Get some posters to decorate your room. It’s your room so it should reflect your interests. Put up some posters of your favorite movies or t.v. shows. Not only will it make your room feel more decorated but it will also male your room feel more personal and comfortable.

3. Add some paintings in your living room. Your living room is usually the first thing guests will see and often times will be the place that mosts guests will spend time when visiting you. Having a few paintings on the wall will add some class to your apartment and if all else fails while entertaining guests, they can serve as last resort conversation pieces.

4. If there are some empty spaces in your apartment or dorm that the furniture does’t fill you can always add some small sculptures to make your place seem more full. As with paintings, sculptures can add some class to your place and serve as conversation pieces.

5. The last item on the list is to add some indoor plants. Indoor plants literally add life to an apartment. They add color to your humble abode and make your place seem more lively. Apparently taking care of plants is also said to be a cathartic exercise and can relieve stress such as the zen Juniper Bonsai tree.

How do you decorate your place?

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